It's John. Since Jamie hasn't updated the blog in time I am making her wait outside in the truck until this is ready.
Our stuff is here. In fact, the majority of our stuff is here. Anyone need a lamp that only works in the US? You have to come pick it up :)
Apparently the labels did nothing. At least our cats weren't packed.
Friday afternoon the container finally showed. They didn't have enough time to unpack Friday so I came home to boxes and boxes and some more boxes. AND THE BED. They unpacked that and the sofa. Unfortunately, they too were outside.
Just kidding. They came back on Monday to unpack all of the boxes and to strew our crap all over the place. Jamie is making great progress in reducing the piles. I get to use our power tools. I have constructed one shoe rack in 24 hours. Later, I get to hang curtain rods - Didly swoots in British.
We did something awesome Saturday. We participated in the Waitangi Day pub crawl.
What's Waitangi day? Well, It's the anniversary of New Zealand's Independence - actually, termination of their lease like Hong Kong - from the British. You are supposed to start at the Paddington Tube stop on the Circle Line and make your way to Westminster Lawn by 4 PM - take the Circle Line. http://www.tfl.gov.uk for maps and information.
We cheated and started at Nottinghill Gate, 3 stops closer than Paddington. Cheat is too strong of a word- we wanted to be able to see.
So, the second picture is what the tube was like - BTW - No holding on, no sitting. In fact, you needed to stand on the seats if possible. Go Jamie! They closed down two stations we needed - one when were on the tube.
The object was to visit the closest pub to the tube stop, have a pint, move on.
Well, since every Kiwi in London and their friends were participating we didn't get into most of the pubs. Don't fret friends, we still had our pints - Here in the UK you can drink on the sidewalk. So we went to the Offie - (Off-License Shop-read Bodega or Deli) bought some beer and hung out outside on the street with the other hundreds of revelers.
Why get to Westminster by 4? Well, all the Kiwis perform the Hukka (sp?) at 4 PM on Westminster lawn, in view of "Look Kids-Big Ben, Parliment". The Hukka is the traditional native war dance that is designed to terrify the enemy. It must have worked since the British signed a lease as opposed to killing the tribespeople. However, as the 3rd picture attests, drunk fat white guys aren't that scary unless they are topless.
The first picture is the aftermath on the lawn. I carefully constructed a tribute to the fallen beers who gave their lives in pure sacrifice.
Oh, I climbed the fence at Westminster Abbey. That was fun.
Later we made our way to China Town, ate at Crispy Duck again, and then progressed to The Imperial Pub near my office (2 streets over) After officially drinking for 12 hours, we went home.
Sunday we sat on the couch and watched TV all day, ordered "Spicey Crunchy Chicken Wings" from Pizza Hut and watched the first half of the Superbowl. Suck it Brett.
The Superbowl is much different here. A) Dumb ass commentators. Surprisingly, some old rugby star had the best insights. We had the regular guys during the game, but when you got your cool commercials "MAGIC FRIDGE!!" We got dumb ass commentating. And adverts for DSL and RBL Team Merchandise.
I went to bed at half time so I missed the record setting run. BTW - happy 27th Conception Mike.
UPCOMING EVENTS: I have been invited to see Arsenal V Bolton in O2's Corporate Box. I better get up to speed on football... It is this Saturday at 3 PM.
See ya folks, off to hang the curtain rods for our Didly Swoot Pants.