Jamie & John in London

A journal of our experiences as Americans living in London

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Why So EARLY?!

Apparently we have lazy or angry, ruthless, vindictive Garbage Collectors in Clapham North. Every Thursday at 7AM they arrive to collect our garbage. This might not seem like a problem for those of you who haven't seen our flat, but let me assure you- it is. Our bed is right next to the window that looks out onto the garbage cans. And since our windows are Shite (my new favorite word) we basically sleep next to the garbage cans. So, the fact that our Garbage Collectors can't or won't bother to pick up the 8 or so garbage cans, but instead prefer to drag them across the stone walkway all the way to the truck and then drag them back to their place is extremely upsetting for someone who is trying to sleep right next to all the action. Are they just lazy or do they feel if they have to be up, everyone has to be? Either way- they are not my favorite people. I firmly believe it is because of this routine that Thursdays have regularly been my worst days in London. And so, we are moving our bed to a different wall this weekend in the hopes that it won't be quite as bad next Thursday. I have my fingers crossed.

In other news- I will be volunteering as a Steward (usher) at Shakespeare's Globe this summer! I am very excited, because I really want to work at The Globe and I'm hoping I'll meet the team this year which will help me get paying work next year. I will also get to see the shows for FREE!! I have to do something like 20 shows from May to October- as if! I'm going to do as many as possible- In case you can't tell, I am uber-excited. I have an Informational Session on March 11th (my Mum's Birthday!!) so I'll keep you posted.

I have also been sending out lots and lots of CVs- mostly for volunteer work at theatres, script reading, ushering, backstage, etc. And I have an interview with a Temp Agency on Monday. I know- I know- I hate temping too, but we could use the money and I'm getting bored looking for work all day. Besides, I'm going to stand up for myself and only take work when I feel like it! No really- I won't be full-time by May- I swear.

John is doing well- I know you haven't heard from him in a while, but I swear I don't have him locked up somewhere. Between work and the gym (yes, he's still going to the gym and he looks quite good) he is very busy. I'm sure you'll hear from him this weekend.

The weather is pretty crappy- cold and rainy- but I'm not complaining. We had a couple of really nice days while Flo was here and they say it should start to warm up next week.

Hope things are going well over there- we miss you all very much.


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