The Ozzman Cometh
While Jamie searched for our new apartment, I kept very busy.
Nevertheless, I cracked the whip and got everything fixed an in place for Monday morning. Job done.
I did get to watch England lose the Rugby World Cup to South Africa on Saturday. Oh - did I mention the Rugby World Cup final was in Paris? No? Oh. Sorry. Don't get excited- I watched it in a pub. In Colombes. Colombes is just north of La Défense. La Défense is a newer business park in Paris, with the Grand Arche, at the end of the Metro. So I was pretty much in the equivalent of Jersey City. I think Colombes means pigeon.
I did however manage to attract the only Englishman in the pub. He's lived in Paris since 76. We watched and tried to understand what the heck was going on. For those who don't know Rugby, imagine organized Rumble Fumble with lots of punting.
Le Grand Arche (an office building - the scaffolding is actually an elevator shaft):

Sunday afternoon I actually got to be a tourist. I had a Croque Monsieur and a Kronenbourg - and I conversed solely in French with my server! I've discovered that when I need too, I can remember the phrases I need. However, I must compose them, practice, and then speak. Also I need to phrase them so I am answered with Yes, No, or You're Sexy. I guess High School French did stick somewhere.
I decided to visit the cemetery where Oscar Wilde, Molière, Jim Morrison, and Chopin are buried. It was beautiful. When I'm dead, I want people to visit my grave in such a setting. It's morbid, but whatever - where else can you be in a green landscape overlooking Paris, in the company of poets, musicians, writers, and crazy men in ratty Doors t-shirts trying to give you impromptu tours?
A picture of Chopin's Headstone - my 2nd Favorite Composer. Props to anyone who knows my first.

An extra trivia point - lookup Oscar Wilde and Clapham Junction. It'll make you sad, but we live in Clapham.
Speaking of visiting graves, guess who else was there to see Jim Morrison?
Ozzy. Seriously. No kidding. Purple tinted sunglasses and all.
I think he was with one of his sisters. She pet this cat:

Well, Jamie should be here soon so I better put some pants on. Or maybe half pants.
PS Go Flyers! And leave Andy Reid alone - you can't argue with his record.
At least Arsenal is still top of the league. In fact they are playing right now. Currently they are winning 6 - 0. The announcer has said they are playing "Heavenly Football". At least one of my football teams is playing "football from paradise".
- I watched England beat France in the Semi-Finals of Rugby World Cup. Exciting, except I somehow ended up with French-Albanians who were very upset. At least we had good kebabs after. Apparently one of the French-Albanians owned the place. I also didn't know where the heck I was.
- I attended training for fancy IT stuff in preparation for my new role at work.
- I went to Paris for work from Friday - Monday. Ok - Paris needs elaboration.
Nevertheless, I cracked the whip and got everything fixed an in place for Monday morning. Job done.
I did get to watch England lose the Rugby World Cup to South Africa on Saturday. Oh - did I mention the Rugby World Cup final was in Paris? No? Oh. Sorry. Don't get excited- I watched it in a pub. In Colombes. Colombes is just north of La Défense. La Défense is a newer business park in Paris, with the Grand Arche, at the end of the Metro. So I was pretty much in the equivalent of Jersey City. I think Colombes means pigeon.
I did however manage to attract the only Englishman in the pub. He's lived in Paris since 76. We watched and tried to understand what the heck was going on. For those who don't know Rugby, imagine organized Rumble Fumble with lots of punting.
Le Grand Arche (an office building - the scaffolding is actually an elevator shaft):
Sunday afternoon I actually got to be a tourist. I had a Croque Monsieur and a Kronenbourg - and I conversed solely in French with my server! I've discovered that when I need too, I can remember the phrases I need. However, I must compose them, practice, and then speak. Also I need to phrase them so I am answered with Yes, No, or You're Sexy. I guess High School French did stick somewhere.
I decided to visit the cemetery where Oscar Wilde, Molière, Jim Morrison, and Chopin are buried. It was beautiful. When I'm dead, I want people to visit my grave in such a setting. It's morbid, but whatever - where else can you be in a green landscape overlooking Paris, in the company of poets, musicians, writers, and crazy men in ratty Doors t-shirts trying to give you impromptu tours?
A picture of Chopin's Headstone - my 2nd Favorite Composer. Props to anyone who knows my first.
An extra trivia point - lookup Oscar Wilde and Clapham Junction. It'll make you sad, but we live in Clapham.
Speaking of visiting graves, guess who else was there to see Jim Morrison?
Ozzy. Seriously. No kidding. Purple tinted sunglasses and all.
I think he was with one of his sisters. She pet this cat:
Well, Jamie should be here soon so I better put some pants on. Or maybe half pants.
PS Go Flyers! And leave Andy Reid alone - you can't argue with his record.
At least Arsenal is still top of the league. In fact they are playing right now. Currently they are winning 6 - 0. The announcer has said they are playing "Heavenly Football". At least one of my football teams is playing "football from paradise".
I'm so glad you saw Ozzy the singer. I was worried it was going to be some football star again and I'd have to yawn at sports in general.
Wish I was there!
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