30 Ain't So Bad and Navels Look Nicer Without Their Piercings
Quick quiz: which of those statements do I actually believe?

For those of you who don't know- I turned 30 yesterday. Let me start by saying I was fine with turning 30. I have had an amazing 30 years and can't wait to see what the next 30 bring. Well, I felt that way until Monday afternoon when I took the midwife's orders and had my navel ring removed. No big deal, right? Oh no, my friends. When you are about to turn 30 AND you are pregnant with your first child AND you are about to buy your first home, removing your navel ring becomes a bit more symbolic. Well, at least it did for me. I came to the obvious conclusion that I was giving into old age and would never have fun again. Please remember that I am pregnant and excused from momentary bouts of insanity. Suffice to say Monday night wasn't pleasant for me or my loving husband who tried unsuccessfully to convince me of how much fun I am while I cried into my pillow.
Tuesday was a new day, however, and I refused to allow my naked and unattractive navel to get me down. John, the amazing man I married, made me French Toast for breakfast and handed me a Mommy-to-be Day at the Spa as my gift! When he left for work, I opened my other cards and gifts- thank you to everyone! And took a nice long bath. Mariesa took me to lunch at Sticky Fingers, a great American burger-type joint, for lunch. We had a fabulous time. See?

Steve and John took me out for my birthday dinner at Boheme Kitchen and Bar so that I could indulge in Macaroni and Cheese. Have you noticed the theme of the day? I couldn't drink to my birthday, so I ate to it and ate and ate and ate. Then it was off to Spamalot for lots of laughs. As I sat there listening to King Arthur and his gang sing, "Look on the bright side of life," I was reminded of how lucky I am to be where I am at the young age of 30. And I left that theatre honestly looking forward to the next thirty years (while still missing my navel ring ever so much.) See how happy I was?

Thanks to everyone for your emails, calls, cards and gifts. It really helped to make it one of the best birthdays ever.
Well My Dear Girl You Do Look Vonderful at 30. So The Naval piercing can be redone when you are all done. Not to worry your are
still a hot momma!
Good Luck with the expected child . Keep those blogs coming I do enjoy reading them.
Hello Jamie,
I believe U believe that UR belly looks better w/o it's jewels :) And the bloger before me has the right attitude . It can be replaced :)
And 30... well it's just a # And this is comin from a 51 year old who is very Imature for her age! That's the key to stayin young :)
You look Beautiful! With or without the jewelry. Love Ya Much Mum xo P. S. Love to bean / Cooper and John.
If you MUST have a Naval piercing in the interim, sneak down to the docks and attach one of those Ox nose rings to the hull of HMS Victory.
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