Workers Unite!
Since we got a new punter, here's a punter trivia question:
Which Eagles kicker holds the record for 15 punts in one game?
1. Jeff Fagles
2. Tom Hutton
3. John Teltschik
4. Sean Landeta
In the spirit of Labor Day Metronet has gone on strike. This means that all but 3 tube lines are not running in London until Friday. I happen to be lucky enough to live on one of those lines that is running. However, we now have all the several gajillion folks trying to cram on as they figure out how to get work. So I plan on taking good ol' bus 88. I'll let you know how that works out.
Well, for those of you don't know, Jamie's pregnant - 15 1/2 weeks! And yes, it is mine.
So what else have we done? Well, we were in the states for a while. Jamie went home to visit Sarah, Christian, & Henry.

We had an early 30th birthday party for Jamie at her parents' house. Her mom even got Jamie the same clown she had when she turned 1 (he was 17 at the time). We told our families we were expecting via the medium of progressive folk guitar. A link at the bottom of this is to the video if you're interested.
Clown (Jamie is not 1 here):

I worked in the NYC office for a 6 days, which was good. I also played golf with my boss which was fun, if not exemplary of my semester of golf lessons, oh 8 years ago. Guess it is time to go back to the pro shop and buy me some lessons! I also spent a lot of time catching up with people I haven't seen in forever.
We then had ANOTHER party for Jamie with our peeps from NYC and other assorted guests with cars. The 60 degree and rainy (lovely English weather, what what.) weather we had all week in the city was replaced by 95 and 100% humidity. Perfect weather for sitting in Central Park! After a picnic we migrated downtown to Mexican Radio for a massive dinner (Table for 20 please, thanks). We all enjoyed the lovely atmosphere and the exquisite presentation of the dishes as more catching up and regaling of stories of the past year was done. Thank goodness it was good mexican food, cause lord knows we can't get any here. THEN we whittled down to a small group and visited Kellie at Pennyfeathers and then migrated to 119 to see Wayne.
Birthday Girl!

I must note that totally unplanned, my brother Mike and fiance Caitie were in Astoria visiting a friend. So we all got together at 119 and danced to the Oldies and crazy punk until all hours. Rockin Robin indeed.
UP next - our trip to Dover!
Trivia Answer: 3. John Teltschik
Oh yeah - video:
Which Eagles kicker holds the record for 15 punts in one game?
1. Jeff Fagles
2. Tom Hutton
3. John Teltschik
4. Sean Landeta
In the spirit of Labor Day Metronet has gone on strike. This means that all but 3 tube lines are not running in London until Friday. I happen to be lucky enough to live on one of those lines that is running. However, we now have all the several gajillion folks trying to cram on as they figure out how to get work. So I plan on taking good ol' bus 88. I'll let you know how that works out.
Well, for those of you don't know, Jamie's pregnant - 15 1/2 weeks! And yes, it is mine.
So what else have we done? Well, we were in the states for a while. Jamie went home to visit Sarah, Christian, & Henry.
We had an early 30th birthday party for Jamie at her parents' house. Her mom even got Jamie the same clown she had when she turned 1 (he was 17 at the time). We told our families we were expecting via the medium of progressive folk guitar. A link at the bottom of this is to the video if you're interested.
Clown (Jamie is not 1 here):
I worked in the NYC office for a 6 days, which was good. I also played golf with my boss which was fun, if not exemplary of my semester of golf lessons, oh 8 years ago. Guess it is time to go back to the pro shop and buy me some lessons! I also spent a lot of time catching up with people I haven't seen in forever.
We then had ANOTHER party for Jamie with our peeps from NYC and other assorted guests with cars. The 60 degree and rainy (lovely English weather, what what.) weather we had all week in the city was replaced by 95 and 100% humidity. Perfect weather for sitting in Central Park! After a picnic we migrated downtown to Mexican Radio for a massive dinner (Table for 20 please, thanks). We all enjoyed the lovely atmosphere and the exquisite presentation of the dishes as more catching up and regaling of stories of the past year was done. Thank goodness it was good mexican food, cause lord knows we can't get any here. THEN we whittled down to a small group and visited Kellie at Pennyfeathers and then migrated to 119 to see Wayne.
Birthday Girl!
I must note that totally unplanned, my brother Mike and fiance Caitie were in Astoria visiting a friend. So we all got together at 119 and danced to the Oldies and crazy punk until all hours. Rockin Robin indeed.
UP next - our trip to Dover!
Trivia Answer: 3. John Teltschik
Oh yeah - video:
It is about time! And I wish you both the very best. John you should get a contract from a big music label for that song!
Jamie your are such a pretty clown.
Oh and henry is pretty cute 2.
Keep On Blogin!
Wha Wha Whatt!?!?!
Better get her back in the states for delivery there bucko!
And, Ummm... Jeff Feagles?
I loved your song... Very funny! I can't think of a better way to make such an announcement!
-your cuz in "new" england
Congrats Jamie and John !!
Nona Can Not Wait !!
P.S. UR are very cute clown! Ever think of a career change :)
Love ALL 3 of U much Mum xoxoxox
One would think I did not proffff read my blog:( But; the truth of the matter is...I did and well.... I use to get straight A's in spelling.. Maybe I did not have me coffee yet? Thats my story and I am sticking to it!
Jamie You Are A Very Pretty Clown! Love 2 U, John and Cooper .
MUM xo
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