Jamie & John in London

A journal of our experiences as Americans living in London

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Have You Missed Me?

Hello Everyone--Jamie here! Sorry it's been so long...I've been a little busy and I have lots to tell!

First, I have an announcement: I have a new cousin! My Aunt Stephanie had a beautiful baby girl named Emily Rose Cooper on 5 May. YAY, Steph!

Speaking of 5 May, isn't it interesting that they don't celebrate Cinco de Mayo here? What a shock to my system to not be drinking Margaritas on Friday! Well, don't worry- I made it through on Stoli and diet coke. By the way, they don't call it Stoli here. When I order a Stoli and Diet--they usually look at me funny and I have to say "Stoli Vodka" and point. They say the whole name here. Who the hell says Stolichnaya?! Well, I guess it's not hard to say, but let's be honest- Stoli just sounds cooler! In other news...

I'm temping at a Property Management Company for rich people. The job should last until the middle of June. I'm finishing off a Maternity Leave because the woman before me got the lead in Pygmalion at a decent off-West End Theatre. It's fine. The people are pleasant, the work is easy and the pay is good. I've been a little stressed this week with temping, the Showcase, Below 14th and trying to keep up with my weightloss regiment for Flo's wedding. Guess which one has taken a back seat? But the Showcase goes up Tuesday and Wednesday, so that should give me a bit more time. Speaking of the showcase...

It's going well. We had a run-through yesterday and the Producer was very happy (which is good.) I've had a few problems with people who don't agree with me and don't take my direction, but overall it's been a great experience and I hope they ask me to do another.

Below 14th is also going really well. The cast is topnotch (they really are- I'm not just saying that because I'm married to one of them) and I feel very confident. I've just finished 20 letters inviting Artistic Directors of Fringe and Off-West End theatres to the show in the hopes of finding someone willing to give me more work. We shall see...

I am also happy to report that after only 4 months of living in London my name is in the Programme at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. Yes, I'm in there in a list of about 500 Stewards, but I'm there! I had my first Stewarding session today. It's opening weekend and the show is Coriolanus. I got stuck inside next to the gift shop selling programmes and renting out cushions, seat backs and blankets. So I didn't see the show but I did stay warm. I met some lovely ladies, mostly senior citizens, and Dominic Dromgoole walked past me. There seems to be a bit of skepticism among some of the Stewards regarding him. Everyone was so fond of Mark Rylance and I guess Mr. Dromgoole isn't as much of a woo-er as Mark was. I suppose time will tell.

In other news- John bought a grill today. We are hoping to have a cook-out Memorial Day Weekend. It's not actually called that here, but there is a bank holiday on Monday and it's the weekend after the show AND Phillip will be here. We're both looking forward to putting the Conservatory and Patio area to good use.

Well, that's all for now. I hope you're all doing well. Drop us an email if you have a chance and let us know what's up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

9:07 AM  

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