Jamie & John in London

A journal of our experiences as Americans living in London

Monday, August 07, 2006

Another Taste of Summer

Hello there- is it still unbearably hot in the good ole US of A? Well, London had a perfectly timed resurgence of summer this weekend. We went to Fruitstock on Saturday. Fruitstock was a free music festival in Regent's Park. It was a bit overwhelming at first, because John and I were the first of our group to arrive. That meant we were in charge of finding our spot. The problem was that there were a BILLION people walking around and it was hard to look for ground space. Luckily- we arrived just before those people all decided to sit down, so we managed to claim a nice sized spot for the day. The group slowly filtered in and we enjoyed a perfectly sunny day in the park with free music and a few bottles of wine.

At 8pm, Arrested Development came onstage. Yes- that Arrested Development. No- I didn't know they were still around either, but they are. Anyway- Drew and I decided we needed to be closer to the stage. So, she led the way and somehow managed to get us a few "rows" back! I was very impressed- although I felt a bit guilty about moving in front of all those people, so I apologized and told everyone who would listen that I was too short and she was moving me up front so I could see better- and most of them felt sorry for me! After the show, we followed some friends to a pub just outside the park (well, we got a bit lost in the park and walked in circles for a while, but we did eventually find it.) A good time was had by all!

Yesterday we vegged around most of the day and then went to see a Fringe show in the evening. It was a series of four one-acts focusing on the Floods of 1953. Apparently- hundreds of people died in these floods and thousands lost their homes, but there is barely any mention of them in history books, etc. because it was such a failure of the government that they've gone to great lengths to help people forget they happened. So, this theatre company spent months researching and workshopping and arrived at four plays relating to these floods. Some of them were better than others, but I admire their intentions. And the space is fantastic! The location is a bit sketchy and not easy for us to get to (it took an hour by tube and bus and walking) but the space is big and it appeared to be flexible. I will definitely be making an effort to direct something there before I leave.

Let me leave you with some wonderful news---my brother is scheduled to leave Iraq this week! Please keep him in your prayers or thoughts as he makes his journey home. Thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie! I'm so glad your brother is coming home! Having two little brothers myself, I know how protective a sister can be! Good news!

6:56 AM  

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