What a whirlwind three weeks! As you can tell from the guest blogs, we had a blast! Devon was beautiful. John drove a 9-passenger people carrier all the way there and on little day trips- he was quite skilled! One day, Mike, Caitie, John and I drove to Blackpool Sands, which was an hour and a half from Torquay. It is one of the best-kept beaches in Devon and it's a bit off the beaten path. We had to take a ferry across the smallest river you've ever seen- the River Dart. The queue for the ferry was about 30 minutes each way, but the ferry ride itself was less than five! We had to take a lot of narrow streets to get there and on the way there- we were behind this caravan (camper) and a big tour bus came around the corner- straight at the caravan. The caravan moved to the side to let the bus pass and John tried to follow, but we weren't completely out of the way when the bus started coming at us! Caitie stuck her hand out the window and yelled, "STOP!" He didn't. But John moved quickly and saved the day! Then we laughed a lot! On the way home, we followed signs for the ferry queue, but when we turned the corner, the queue was backed up far behind us. We didn't know how to get to the back of the line, so John jumped the queue. Well, we got to the ferry and this woman came running down from the dock to tell the ferry master that we had jumped the queue (she wasn't a driver- just a concerned citizen apparently.) And he made us go to the end of the queue! We felt like schoolkids and laughed a lot on the way to the back of the queue.
The family went their separate ways on Saturday and we must admit we are quite sad. We had such an amazing three weeks- with Flo's Shower and Bachelorette Party, Eli's visit, the Ramsburg visit and the Ramsburg family trip to Devon- we had forgotten how lonely London could be. But have no fear- Dan and Jim will be here in exactly two weeks! And in the meantime, we've got plenty to keep us busy!
John has a big audit at work next week and I will be focusing on a serious exercise/diet for Flo's wedding, which is in less than six weeks, and finding WORK!
Hope you're all doing well- we love you!
On a steamy summer's night I love nothing more than a big fat audit...
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