Jamie & John in London

A journal of our experiences as Americans living in London

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Career Update and Other News

I know you are all dying to know what I've been up to lately- well, the wait is over! I finished my last showcase for the season last week. It was a good show with the best turn-out of the season. I was happy! Now, I get a little summer break from showcases. But don't worry- I don't plan on resting on my laurels- I will be directing my first full-length London play in July! It's called The Brother and it is a fantastic new piece of writing by a new playwright. The show will be at the Lion & Unicorn Theatre in Kentish Town the 4th -21st of July. Dan and Jim will be in town after it opens and will get a chance to see it before we head to Wales. I am very excited. We are in the middle of casting as I type and it's looking good. In September, I will have two showcases- one each in Manchester and London- and then it's off to Cornwall for 4 weeks where I will be directing True West at a theatre in Liskeard! That's what I've got at the moment, but there are a few other projects in the works as well. Will keep you posted....

In other news- Myke and Drew's leaving do was Friday night. It was a great party in spite of its sad purpose. I would post a picture or two (I took 250) but I'm not really sure how to do it. So, you'll just have to take my word for it. This whole build-up to them leaving is quite depressing. They were our first London friends and they introduced us to fun things like: Waitangi Day, cribbage, Greenwich Park and Greenwich Market, absinthe and (THE most important) Crispy Duck! London will be strange without them. Their last night in town is tomorrow, so after Perros del diablo play their first two games in the new league, we will be heading out for one last London hoorah with the gang.

Enough sappiness!

FYI: I will be heading home to PA for two weeks on Monday. John will be joining me for our God-daughter's Christening May 4th-7th, but he might be lonely the rest of the time. If you haven't talked to him in a while, it would be a great time to call or email!


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