Ho Ho No!
New Years
What a whirlwind 2 weeks!
The Fonz was amazing. Apparently the show we saw was not true Panto, but closer to Musical Comedy according to the reviewer. However, I felt that breaking up the story of Peter Pan with a bawdy rendition of the 12 days of Christmas and the Indians dancing to Eye of the Tiger/the Final Countdown was more akin to insanity. And who could forget the heart wrenching end of Peter Pan where a comedian comes out in a giant kangaroo suit and makes the audience sing along to the Kangaroo bounce song? Ah, J.M. Barrie would be delighted at this "riddle of existence."
Our flight home was jam packed with excitement. First, we used our miles and were able to snag the last two upgrades to Premium Economy. Simon Schama sat next to Jamie - he's only our favorite BBC History documentarian! When we landed, a drunk Englishman was hauled off by two of Newark's finest. OK, they got him as far as Upper Class (strangely vacant since we were asked to remain seated) before his pants fell off and then pissed on the aisle. I agree with Simon who said, "He bears a striking resemblance to the Earl of Essex, who lost his head in 1592 for being a troublemaker." Oh, the tears of laughter are indeed bitter sweet. Actually Simon turned out to be a regular guy who was pretty cool.
3.5 Hours later than planned, we made it to Stillwater, a bar on E 4th. Kudos to those who had a show and stayed up late enough to say Hello/Goodbye! After much catching up we moved onto 119 where we continued to revel and rejoice in each other's company. I did spend too much time messing with some tool who tried to sign me up to his new "Internet based band marketing site - rejected.com!" I convinced him that Dave was a respected independent music reviewer. Fun, but too time consuming - I missed out on good friend time. One breakfast and cab ride to hoboken later, we crashed at 7 Am.
Off to the out-laws! A wonderful weekend that was of course too short. I met Brady and Mona for the first time. Jamie and I were asked to be the God parents of her newest cousin - who I also just met, Emily! Mark, I'm sorry, but God says I can't let her be a Cowboys fan. I checked the bible- It is a moral obligation. It was great seeing the newlywed Flo and Keith and their parents. And it was wonderful seeing the family. Again, not enough time visiting everyone, but a wonderful Christmas morning.
Christmas afternoon was spent with the Ramsburg's. The Eagles gave us one of the best Christmas presents with a victory over the Cowboys. Boxing day was a lot of fun - we saw Rocky and partied with the Mathews and the Giovincos. Wednesday Susie & Jeff visited us, along with the newly engaged Josh and Regina! YAY! But as always seems to happen, we had to leave too soon.
We got bumped up to Upper Class on the way back. Oh bother! A fast flight thanks to the fold-out bed and comfy "flight suit" we made our groggy way back to Clapham. I worked on Friday which was a gentle shock.
New Year's Eve saw us on the HMS President, a 1918 vessel moored to the Victorian Embankment. We partied until three with multiple South Africans and 3 Antipodeans. A lovely South African couple asked us to join their book club - we agreed. It now totals 4 people! Hopefully they will return our calls... Jamie and I danced, but not all night. We relaxed in the Piano bar below decks after watching the fireworks and calling those people the London Mobile network would allow . We met even more South Africans - one of whom is a huge Michael Vick fan. Go Hokies! Some Rufies' curry later, Jamie and I were fast asleep by 5 Am.
New Year's day was spent watching Family Guy - thanks Mike! - and just getting our energy together to join the workforce on Tuesday.
All in all, a fantastic if exhausting trip.
it was great to see you guys over the holiday!
We forgot to mention that we figured out why no one dresses up at Halloween--they're saving it for New Year's Eve! There were a million "fancy dress" parties (aka Costume parties.) They ranged from James Bond to Pirates to Guys and Dolls to 80's, but my personal favorite was the Wig Party at the club up the street. Good times, my friends!
What a Gorgious Couple!!
Happy New Year to the both of you.
Well Well Well sounds like a wonderful FULL holiday.. Good Looking couple I might add! Glad U have returned safely. And keep on Blogin Happy New Year!
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