The Grass is Greener, by Jim (with comments from Dan)
Dan and Jim's Travelogue July 6-21 (Get ready, it's long)
In preparation for our journey, Dan and I monitored the weather in Edinburgh, Scotland and Bangor, Wales. Cold and wet…today, tomorrow, and perhaps forever…no surprise to anyone who has been to the UK. Excited about escaping the searing sun and humidity "Vuh-gin-ya", we stuffed our suitcases with sensible layers of clothes. And aren't we glad we did, because it seems that we attached a grappling hook to the sun and brought it with us across the pond, much to the delight of Londoners who had been overcast with weeks of rain.
With our priorities in order, (well…Dan's first priority), we set out for the Genesis reunion tour concert at Twickenham Stadium. What's that you ask? Why, yes, Phil Collins is still alive, and he can still sing. Quite well, in fact. It was an outstanding concert, even to those of us who are not quite as obsessed…I'm sorry, did I say obsessed…I mean, enchanted by Genesis. (enchanted, obsessed, why split hairs? It was the best concert ever! I cried.) We had great seats on the side that gave us an intimate view of Phil and his drums. (50,000 Genesis fans can't be wrong)

The next morning, (pretty darn jetlagged) Dan and I took a train to Edinburgh, Scotland. For me, the train ride was truly one of the highlights of the trip. For 4 hours, I stared out the window watching the countryside skate by. Truly remarkable, the landscape of the UK can best be described as God's golf course, complete with God's fluffy golf balls…sheep. (lots and lots and lots of sheep) Edinburgh was a bustling city, quite touristy (think Busch Gardens) unless you are brave enough to get away from Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Mile. While everyone was looking up at the castle, Dan and I slipped through the crowd, down a side street and towards Arthur's Seat. Set on top of foothills, Arthur's seat is a birds-eye view of Scotland. Onward and upward we climbed. Then down again. Wait a minute, we climbed the wrong hill. It was then that we found right hill. So up again. And well worth the three days of sore calves. We spent the next day taking an excursion to the outer regions of Scotland, including Glasgow , Loch Lomand, and Sterling Castle (and more sheep). While the trip was magnificent, the driver made it even more fun, with his scruffy unshaved look and Sean Connery accent, threatening to "come back there and sort out" a Chinese gentleman who kept yawning loudly behind him. (He was actually quite humorous!) Our last morning was spent at Edinburgh Castle, which was lovely. And it was back on the train to London!
View from Arthur's Seat:

Dan on "the seat":

We had one night in London, just enough time to shift dirty clothes around in the luggage and off we go with John and Jamie to Wales. Another splendid train ride, despite the obnoxious iPods and cell phone users. (who uses their phone as an iPod, without speakers. Honestly!) We arrived to find rain, but true to form, the sun managed to follow. The car rental (a big noisy rattly Mercedes van) was what seemed like a test in trust. I quote the rental agent, "Oh, I am sure that will start to work once you get on the road." Lovely. But kudos to John for his masterful driving skills in the many roundabouts (and so-called "two-lane" roads. More like ¾ of 1 lane! John gets the gold star for that one). And Jamie gets props for her encouragement to "stay on the left" while wiping fog from the windshield. (And how bizarre to see all the signs in two languages, one English, the other a bizarre language made up entirely of the letters L, W, F & Y, as in, "Can you tell me how to get to pub in Llyffwanwhhllyffll?")
The Town:

The beach house was situated 100 yards from the sea, on an open area of land filled with sheep and cows. Recently updated, the house had a modern feel in a rural setting. A week of good eating, lots of sleeping, and hours of reading was a refreshing break for all of us. We played pool, darts, hearts, backgammon, and chess. We ventured into Llandudno Junction to see Harry Potter V (Jim liked it a lot, Dan thought they cut too much from the book). We toured Caernarfon Castle (where Prince Charles was crowned Prince of Wales). We took long strolls along the shore, and walked to hill forts and strange stones in the middle of fields. And we wasted at least two days watching cows fornicate (we have the photos to prove it). (We even watched a sheepdog round up the sheep for shearing, while being yelled at in Welsh. Awesome.) Charmed by the Welsh, you can probably still hear our song echoing in the foothills of Caernarfon Bay, "Y Pant The Dingles!" (Don't ask.)
The Beach:

Stroll on the beach:

Back Yard View:

Standing Stone:

On the morning of our departure, the rain finally caught up with us. We returned to a flooded London, and a few puddles in John and Jamie's flat. But nothing could dampen our spirits. Thank you to John and Jamie, it's "bean" another splendid vacation, we love you. (As they say in Dinas Dinlle: Choelia hynny gwartheg ydy yn cael hystlen)
In preparation for our journey, Dan and I monitored the weather in Edinburgh, Scotland and Bangor, Wales. Cold and wet…today, tomorrow, and perhaps forever…no surprise to anyone who has been to the UK. Excited about escaping the searing sun and humidity "Vuh-gin-ya", we stuffed our suitcases with sensible layers of clothes. And aren't we glad we did, because it seems that we attached a grappling hook to the sun and brought it with us across the pond, much to the delight of Londoners who had been overcast with weeks of rain.
With our priorities in order, (well…Dan's first priority), we set out for the Genesis reunion tour concert at Twickenham Stadium. What's that you ask? Why, yes, Phil Collins is still alive, and he can still sing. Quite well, in fact. It was an outstanding concert, even to those of us who are not quite as obsessed…I'm sorry, did I say obsessed…I mean, enchanted by Genesis. (enchanted, obsessed, why split hairs? It was the best concert ever! I cried.) We had great seats on the side that gave us an intimate view of Phil and his drums. (50,000 Genesis fans can't be wrong)

The next morning, (pretty darn jetlagged) Dan and I took a train to Edinburgh, Scotland. For me, the train ride was truly one of the highlights of the trip. For 4 hours, I stared out the window watching the countryside skate by. Truly remarkable, the landscape of the UK can best be described as God's golf course, complete with God's fluffy golf balls…sheep. (lots and lots and lots of sheep) Edinburgh was a bustling city, quite touristy (think Busch Gardens) unless you are brave enough to get away from Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Mile. While everyone was looking up at the castle, Dan and I slipped through the crowd, down a side street and towards Arthur's Seat. Set on top of foothills, Arthur's seat is a birds-eye view of Scotland. Onward and upward we climbed. Then down again. Wait a minute, we climbed the wrong hill. It was then that we found right hill. So up again. And well worth the three days of sore calves. We spent the next day taking an excursion to the outer regions of Scotland, including Glasgow , Loch Lomand, and Sterling Castle (and more sheep). While the trip was magnificent, the driver made it even more fun, with his scruffy unshaved look and Sean Connery accent, threatening to "come back there and sort out" a Chinese gentleman who kept yawning loudly behind him. (He was actually quite humorous!) Our last morning was spent at Edinburgh Castle, which was lovely. And it was back on the train to London!
View from Arthur's Seat:

Dan on "the seat":

We had one night in London, just enough time to shift dirty clothes around in the luggage and off we go with John and Jamie to Wales. Another splendid train ride, despite the obnoxious iPods and cell phone users. (who uses their phone as an iPod, without speakers. Honestly!) We arrived to find rain, but true to form, the sun managed to follow. The car rental (a big noisy rattly Mercedes van) was what seemed like a test in trust. I quote the rental agent, "Oh, I am sure that will start to work once you get on the road." Lovely. But kudos to John for his masterful driving skills in the many roundabouts (and so-called "two-lane" roads. More like ¾ of 1 lane! John gets the gold star for that one). And Jamie gets props for her encouragement to "stay on the left" while wiping fog from the windshield. (And how bizarre to see all the signs in two languages, one English, the other a bizarre language made up entirely of the letters L, W, F & Y, as in, "Can you tell me how to get to pub in Llyffwanwhhllyffll?")
The Town:

The beach house was situated 100 yards from the sea, on an open area of land filled with sheep and cows. Recently updated, the house had a modern feel in a rural setting. A week of good eating, lots of sleeping, and hours of reading was a refreshing break for all of us. We played pool, darts, hearts, backgammon, and chess. We ventured into Llandudno Junction to see Harry Potter V (Jim liked it a lot, Dan thought they cut too much from the book). We toured Caernarfon Castle (where Prince Charles was crowned Prince of Wales). We took long strolls along the shore, and walked to hill forts and strange stones in the middle of fields. And we wasted at least two days watching cows fornicate (we have the photos to prove it). (We even watched a sheepdog round up the sheep for shearing, while being yelled at in Welsh. Awesome.) Charmed by the Welsh, you can probably still hear our song echoing in the foothills of Caernarfon Bay, "Y Pant The Dingles!" (Don't ask.)
The Beach:

Stroll on the beach:

Back Yard View:

Standing Stone:

On the morning of our departure, the rain finally caught up with us. We returned to a flooded London, and a few puddles in John and Jamie's flat. But nothing could dampen our spirits. Thank you to John and Jamie, it's "bean" another splendid vacation, we love you. (As they say in Dinas Dinlle: Choelia hynny gwartheg ydy yn cael hystlen)