Jamie & John in London

A journal of our experiences as Americans living in London

Friday, December 07, 2007


Jamie and I are sitting in the brand new Virgin Atlantic lounge desperately trying to relax as we explore everything this swanky pad has to offer. So far we think we've seen some WAGs and a guy wearing an NFL Network badge. Not too bad for early Friday Afternoon!

Quick recap of this week:
Wednesday was my leaving do for work. We reserved an area at the Oxygen Bar in Leicester Square and had a fantastic night! Loads of people came from work and even people from Jamie's shows came to see us off.

Thursday the cats left. Sadie was well-behaved, but Jovi was not having anything to do with her crate. We were sad to see them go, but we'll see them on Monday.*

*Jamie and I just jointly typed that sentence. I had the left hand, she did the right. FUN!

In the afternoon Jamie saw Swimming With Sharks starring Christian Slater. She said it was crap. *Jamie here to set the record straight: it was mostly crap due to an awful lot of shouting and TERRIBLE American accents! But Christian is still hot as ever!*

We ate dinner last night at Crispy Duck 2 with Steve. It was the perfect bon voyage meal, replete with standard Crispy Duck classics - Eponymous Crispy Duck, Salt & Pepper Squid, healthy amounts of Tsing Tao, and great company.

As sad as we are to leave London and the life we created here, we are very excited to begin this new chapter in our life, especially since we'll soon be three.



Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Cats Are a Bit Confused

Well, the furniture is gone and the flat is nearly bare. There are a few pieces of furniture left that the new tenants are buying, six suitcases, two very confused cats and a kitchen full of food. Our internet was down most of the day today and I was frantic trying to figure out what I would do after Flo left and I was alone in the apartment without a TV. But as you can see, Pipex came through for me and all is well. I was sorry to see Flo go. She was a huge help this weekend- packing, moving things, making sure the movers washed their hands after cigarette breaks, and generally keeping my mind off the fact that we're moving AGAIN. I don't know what I would have done without her.

The coolest thing we did while Flo was here was go to dinner at Dans le Noir? last night, where we dined in complete darkness. It was an amazing experience! All the wait staff are blind and they guide you into a completely dark room, take you to your seats, explain the lay-out of the table to you and leave you to your own devices when it comes to pouring your drinks and eating your food. We didn't know what we were being served and it was a lot of fun trying to figure it out based on taste alone. All our other senses were quickly heightened. Every time they brought new groups into the room, it sounded like they were shouting and every time a dish was brought to the table, everyone could smell what it was. It was a true sensory exercise and I would strongly recommend it to anyone visiting London or Paris (where it originated.)

Tomorrow is our leaving do, Thursday the cats leave and the cleaners come and we fly out Friday afternoon. We plan on writing our final blog from the airport on Friday. Until then- adios!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Let the Packing Begin!

At 10:00 this morning, three lovely men from Expect Move arrived to begin our move. They're on their second cuppa and are thoroughly entertaining Flo and me as we sit on the sofa reading Lucky Magazine and the sports section respectively.

Will keep you posted...