Jamie & John in London

A journal of our experiences as Americans living in London

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Mini-Brothels will soon be legal!

That's right, Ladies and gentlemen!! I read in the paper today that a regulation was passed yesterday that will allow 2-3 women to keep a property where they can sell sex. Now, to be honest, I am not completely clear on the laws. Apparently prostitution and "kerb crawling" are illegal, but a woman is allowed to sell sex on her own. So, my interpretation is that you can't do it on the street, but you can do it in your home. It's apparently an effort to stop young kids from doing it to get a fix. But after this law takes effect, she and another woman will be able to go into business together (with a third woman as their "maid".) There is also a group within the government (the structure of which I still don't fully understand) that would like to have sanctioned Red Light Districts throughout the UK! Just thought I'd share that interesting tidbit with you all. Now onto what's new with us...

Some very exciting things have happened in the past few days! First, John and I joined the gym near our house. I had a session today to design my own fitness program and it went really well. It's very close to our house and while it's a bit more than my YMCA Student membership- it doesn't cost any more than a NY Sports Club Membership. The staff is all friendly and helpful and the equipment is all high quality, but they are replacing it all next month with brand new machines! The only thing is that we have to stick with it, because we paid for the whole year at once. (John, I'm talking to you!)

We also got some good news today: our air shipment will be delivered tomorrow morning! That means we can actually cook meals instead of eating microwave meals every night AND we will have all of our clothes and shoes! We are very happy about this news and look forward to a homecooked meal!

A completely random note: the man who did some repairs to the flat yesterday said "Cheerio" to me- it was my first and it made me smile! Actually, that isn't such a random note. Most of you know that I have been very insecure about how we would be treated here. I was worried that preconceived notions about Americans would taint people's opinions of us. But, I have been pleasantly surprised. Yes, I have encountered a few people who don't like their jobs, so they are rude. But I don't think that has anything to do with my accent! Overall, people have been very friendly and helpful and that has made me slowly more comfortable here. I look forward to making acquaintances and, eventually, friends.

In other news- John's Work Christmas Party is tomorrow. I am not invited, but instead of going out with you guys (which is what I did last time) I am going to a play! I'm going to see O Go My Man by Stella Feehily at the Royal Court Theatre. The Royal Court is celebrating its 50th Year of being a theatre known for New Plays, so I am very excited to see it. I'll let you know how it is!

Finally, we are heading back to Ikea tonight. Two of our items were missing parts! You can either wait 7-10 days for them to be delivered or go to the store and get them yourself. So, that's what we're going to do- wish us luck!

Well, that's probably enough news for now. I hope you are all doing well. We miss you very much and look forward to reading your comments!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CARLA!!!! We love you!


Blogger Noelle said...

That is very interesting about the brothels! But we still need to know how one tips strippers in England when the smallest denomonation in paper money is 5 pounds Sterling. Eagerly anticipating news from abroad - Carolyn & Alan

7:31 PM  

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